
This week we are taking a mini deep dive into the first steps of branding your business - branding foundations. We will be tackling these 3 easy to learn and easy to utilize sections starting today. I can’t wait to fill everyone in and ideally help someone! If you ever have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to reach out and let’s get into it.

Vision. What does that mean? Is she talking about my eyesight?! Lol no, absolutely not. I’m talking about your clear look on the focus of your business. Today we’ll be talking about your strategic plan for success because that’s exactly what a vision statement is. A vision statement helps you talk to the type of client you want while disclosing what you do and where you’re located. Think Who, What, and Where. Who are you serving? What service do you provide? Where are you located? This easy to make statement can answer 3 major questions just by reading a sentence. Isn’t that cool?

Let’s talk about how to make one…Let’s use this super easy to use template.
Of course we’ll need some filler words, but let’s break it down using a few examples!

Let’s start with mine!

CreWeb Designs + Small Business Owners + Web Design and Branding + All Over America.

Let’s build out that first connection. “CreWeb Designs empowers small business owners” let's talk about what I provide for my clients and then also what I do. So, “CreWeb Designs empowers small business owners to use their website to its fullest potential and to guide customers to invest in service and online branding by providing effective and custom solutions”...and all we have all we have left is where you’re located. 

CreWeb Designs empowers small business owners to use their website to its fullest potential and to guide customers to invest in service and online branding by providing effective and customer solutions digitally all over America.


Next let’s do a photography business.

Strong Tree Photography + Senior Moms + Photography + St. Louis Area.

The first two are easy…”Strong Tree Photography encapsulates your almost grown adults last year in high school”. Next let's talk about what I can provide…”Strong Tree Photography encapsulates your almost grown adults last year in high school by channeling who they are in their star senior photography session” all we need to do is add where we’re located.

Strong Tree Photography encapsulates your almost grown adults last year in high school by channeling who they are in their star senior photography session across the Saint Louis area.


Lastly, let’s use a shop, E-Commerce.

Lily’s Candle Shop + anyone + candles + internationally.

Let’s start with the first two…”Lily’s Candle Shop helps you escape into a wondrous world”. Next we talk about what we can provide…”Lily’s Candle Shop helps you escape into a wondrous world by offering a wide variety of scents, sizes, and colors for all of their candles.” Now we just need to add where! 

Lily’s Candle Shop helps you escape into a wondrous world by offering a wide variety of scents,  sizes, and colors for all of their candles internationally.


I hope these three examples can help a multitude of businesses because having a vision statement can be incredibly helpful. It’s your strategic plan for success, so the possibilities are endless for using this simple to make statement. I dive more into vision and give you the opportunity to cultivate your own vision with me in my branding packages. If you’d like to know what else I offer in my branding packages, you can head over to the services page or you can shoot me a message, email, or dm. I’d love to get to know a little about you and your fantastic business! 

Stay tuned for the rest of the branding foundation 3 part series this week.


Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography




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