+ How long does everything take?

I work at your pace. It can go as fast as a month or as slow as 6 months. My shortest time with a client has been 4 weeks and my longest as been 9 months. Most people spend the most time on the branding section.

+ Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, I do! Depending on the package you pick will depend on the payment plan available. Most payment plans are payable up to 6-9 months.

+ Do you work on Wordpress, Wix, Godaddy or other platforms?

No, currently I am a Squarespace exclusive Web Designer. Keep your eyes pealed though...

+ What are your hours?

I am open Monday-Friday 9am-6pm. I am almost always available to chat, but I try not to work on the weekends or past hours. I am also off for all federal holidays!

+ Where can I find your pricing?

You can find pricing on the 'Services' page!

+ Can we meet up or talk on the phone?

If I am in your area, I would love to meet up if you wanted to. I'm also open to phone conversations or Zoom/Skype meetings, but we will need to establish a written form of contact as well. My memory isn't always the best, so I like to refer back to emails and messages. I am currently located in St. Louis, Missouri.

+ How do I book with you?

You can reach me at my Contact page, Instagram, or Facebook Page. I am pretty much always attached to my phone, so I should be able to respond fairly quickly!

+ I already have a logo, can I get a package without branding?

Sadly, just having a logo isn't a solid branding foundation. If you have any further questions or want to talk about what a branding foundation is, I would love to set up a chat! (You can find some information on the 'What I Offer' page. It's hard for me to do my job if I don't have all the tools I need to do it.

+ I don't see a package for my business, what should I do?

Reach out! My packages are geared towards my niche, but I do occasionally work with other creative entrepreneurs. Feel free to contact me for personal pricing.

Didn’t see your question? Reach out HERE