What I Offer


You made it and I am so excited you’re here! Here you’ll find everything you’d want or need to know regarding what I offer.
Please feel free to reach out at any point for questions or comments!


Imagine if your website did everything you wanted it to…

Attracted the kind of clients you want and deserve

Conveyed your brand story in a way that actually makes sense

Gave you the confidence to charge what you know you’re worth

SEO that lands you at the top of a Google search

Integrates your branding in a smart and creative way

Gave you more time to focus on what you find most important


I am a firm believer that you should have your cake and eat it too. I’ve worked with so many people who have such a negative outlook on upgrading their business and I am here to curb all your concerns. I feel like a lot of fear stems from a lack of knowledge so I wanted to share my process with you. When you book with me, everything is laid out and easily explained in a way that makes sense to you. I don’t expect you to be an expert in a field you probably don’t have a ton of knowledge on; just like you wouldn’t expect me to know all the in’s and out’s of your business. I break everything down into simple forms and worksheets. I am going to be honest; I do need some work from you. This experience will help you realize there’s more to branding than you might have originally thought. Elevating your brand will elevate your business which naturally elevates sales, connections, your overall feeling towards your business, and more!

I’ve had people ask me “Why so much branding upfront? Do I really need all of this?” I am very confident that you do. Branding is your business’s foundation. If you don’t know who you’re talking to and how to talk to them, how are you going to get the clients you want? This process gives you everything you need to create a truly solid foundation moving forward. Anyone, from just starting out to business owner veterans, can benefit from this. And I can’t wait to see the transformations unfold. I know you’ll have a completely different outlook on your business moving forward when everything is said and done.

After you have an amazing foundation, then we get to build a beautiful house for your business to live in. Before I started my business I worked on several web design platforms and I always kept going back to Squarespace. You get the professional feel that you don’t get from other platforms like Wix, without it being absolutely frustrating and crazy to navigate like WordPress. Maintaining your website shouldn’t cause migraines, and Squarespace makes it easy for you. I’ve had several clients switch from a multitude of platforms and I’ve heard nothing but great feedback about Squarespace. Just like the branding process I make building your website as simplified as possible. I just ask for photos, text, and your approval throughout the site. If you aren’t a strong writer, don’t worry, I have several amazing copywriters I can recommend or I can give you outlines and feedback throughout the site.

At the end of the day I am here for you. I believe every business is different so you’re going to get an experience that is unique to you and what you need. I am here to work at your pace. If you work outside of your business and/or you have children, I completely understand you might not have the most time to dedicate every week. Life happens, COVID is still very real, and no matter how well you plan things sometimes they don’t go according to plan. This plan is completely flexible to what is truly doable for you. I don’t want you overworking yourself while you’re already burnt out. There are deadlines, but they can easily be moved and rearranged based on what’s going on for you. Just remember, I am here to help as much as I possibly can.


Let’s Look at Some Examples!

Alexis Malin Photography2.jpg
H&H Consignments Branding Sheet.jpg
Eye Rock Photography Long Logo 2.jpg
Eye Rock Photography Small Logo 1.jpg
The Blonde Buffalo Photography Branding Sheet.jpg
Carolyn Martino Makeup Artist Branding Sheet.jpg
Willow + Lace Logo.jpg
J Marvin Hair Branding Sheett.jpg
Soled Out Apparel Long Logo.jpg
Soled Out Apparel Short Logo.jpg

 You will notice quickly that I primarily work with photographers. Photographers are my niche and I absolutely love working with them! I also love working with product makers like people who are trying to graduate from Etsy, or have a site to go alongside an Etsy store. I do work with other business owners such as hairdressers, event planners, authors/bloggers, and more. Everything on my site is geared towards photographers and product makers, but I will not say no to helping any small business owner.

I’ve currently worked on over 20 websites, created over 40 logos, and completely transformed over 15 businesses!

 Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

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