Welcome to the CreWeb Designs Blog!

Welcome to CreWeb Designs! I’ve been searching for a way to talk to my Instagram followers because I’m always running out of characters when I post. There is so much information I want to pour on Instagram and Instagram just says “Hey we can’t do this!!''. I’m tired of shortening my posts and not giving you the best. For my first post I wanted to share with you a little about who I am, what I do, and what I’m about. 


CreWeb Designs empowers small business owners to use their website to its fullest potential and to guide customers to invest in service and online branding by providing effective and custom solutions digitally all over America.

I’m Jenna, the owner and creator of CreWeb Designs. I started my business back in 2018 after I found out my son needed open heart surgery. I don’t want to just repeat the same thing that’s on my about me page; so I wanted to personally share with you a little bit more about me. If you want to read more about my son and why I started my business, feel free to pursue my about me page. 

Under it all I am a fried chicken eating, Netflix watching, Taylor Swift listening artist! If I’m not being a mom or running my business you can usually find me by my craft cart or learning a new song to play on guitar. I LOVE learning, so I’m constantly jumping into new artistic spaces. I like to keep my brain fresh and flowing with creativity as much as possible. I think it keeps me on my toes and helps me create daily! 

There are a ton of things that are important to me and I’d love to share them openly and honestly in this first post. Firstly, I am a big LGBTQIA+ advocate. Love is love here. I am openly bisexual myself and my logo is rainbow...of course I’d be an ally. Next is that I’m Native American! I have gotten asked several times what my race is, so there you go. I feel like so many just ignore the conversation surrounding Natives and it’s honestly incredibly sad to me. The last thing that I’ll bring up in this post is that I’m also a huge mental health advocate. I have battled with mental health issues literally my entire life, I don’t remember a day without it. Everyone knows what it’s like to feel alone and to struggle and I want to be someone who openly has conversations about the things that are important to me.

My absolute favorite thing to do though is helping people. The best feeling to me is improving someone's day. I’m pretty positive that making an impact on someone's life will always be so rewarding for me and that's honestly why I do what I do! In my business I am constantly helping, aiding, and guiding people in the right direction. I juggle several schedules including my own so work is getting done at the best rate possible. I really enjoy the crazy puzzle that it is, and getting to know so many business owners is truly amazing. I am constantly rooting for them at every opportunity because they deserve it, they’re amazing!

It’s so wonderful getting to connect with someone who was a complete stranger a week ago and embark on an awesome journey together to improve their business. I’m not going to lie, it’s hard work, but seeing that smile on a client's face and hearing how happy and confident they are to move forward is wonderful. Most times a friendly relationship continues after all of the work is done and it’s great to catch up whenever we can.

I hope you’ve gotten to know who I am a little more, there is a real person behind the branding photos and rainbows! I am so excited to see where this blog takes me, you, and my business, but I honestly think I’m even more excited to see how it will impact the businesses I interact with. 


Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography

