5 Tools to Help You with Fonts

Today I want to give you 5 tools that you can use to improve the fonts on your Squarespace website. Earlier this week I talked about good font pairings(link to post) and how to install custom fonts(link to post) for your Squarespace site. These are some tools I recommend:

#1 Font Squirrel

Font Squirrel is a site full of free to use fonts! Unlike some other websites that actually steal from the creator, or other platforms that want to charge anywhere from $5-$50 for a font.

#2 Font Joy

Font Joy is an interactive font generator that lets you select how much contrast you want between your font pairings. This is great if you don’t really have an idea of what you’re wanting and you like seeing a wide variety of options.

#3 Font Pair

Font Pair is similar to Font Joy, you can search or look through a wide variety of fonts. They also offer a nice section of font combinations, but I like to use this more for font inspiration. 

#4 Canva

You know I love Canva, and I couldn’t leave this one off the list. Canva is a free to use design platform, but they also offer a free to use font combinations generator. 

#5 Typseration

Typseration is like Font Pair, it’s a wonderful resource that allows you to filter through a list of font combinations and color palettes. I like to use this to test things out and for inspiration as well!

There's so many tools, posts, and other resources that make having a small business easier to manage, and my goal with this post was to provide just that. I hope you love these resources as much as I do!

Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography


Learn Why, When, and How to Elevate Your Business


Learn How to Import Fonts into Squarespace