Learn Why, When, and How to Elevate Your Business

Happy New Year everyone! I can’t believe we’re already in 2022; I swear it was just 2019 the other day. Now that the busy season has come to a close it’s time to reset, reevaluate, and elevate. It’s a new year and I know your business has changed so much from where it was standing just last January. Today we’re going to tackle the “when”, “why”, and “how” when it comes to elevating your business!

When is the best time? Does it really matter? I think it does! After seeing clients go through the holiday season time and time again, I’ve noticed something. The first two weeks of the year everyone has a surge of energy. Maybe it’s the new year, new me mentality or just enjoying the boost from successfully getting through the holiday season or maybe something else, but it’s very real.

January is also usually a quiet month for most businesses, so you have more time to dedicate to projects that you wouldn’t normally have time for. So while you have some down time, why not elevate? While you’re riding that energy boost, why not invest in yourself?

If you started your own business from the ground up, chances are you cut some corners in the beginning. Maybe you made your own logo for free on Canva, or maybe you couldn’t afford a copywriter even though you struggle a little bit in the writing department. You also might have had the mentality that you’ve successfully made it this far with those things, so do I really need to pay someone for it or upgrade? I’m here to say yes!

You and your business are not the same as they were just a year ago, so imagine how much you’ve changed if it’s been years. There are tons of people who would love to help and you’d be surprised at how many offer payment plans, would be willing to work with you on price, and are just genuinely affordable. We have all struggled through the pandemic and things seen as extra have been pushed to the side for too long; it’s time to get back in there! Right now is the perfect time to get started. How long have you had your logo? When was the last time someone looked through your website or updated your SEO? Investing in yourself will only help you in the long run!

Now you might be thinking you’re ready to elevate and get started, but where do you start? Who can help? Where do you look? How do you know who is right for you? I think that depends on what kind of business you are and where you want to go. When I’m talking to a potential client I want to know what project I’m jumping into. I hate wasting anyone's time, so I like to ask questions to get a better understanding of where the business is currently and where they hope to be by the end of the experience. If I know I can help them then that's great and we can move onto the next step, but if not I will politely let them know and try to send them to someone else who might be able to help.

Most designers know and have relationships with other designers and creatives that you might also be interested in. I have copywriters I send clients to if they need copywriting. I have contacts for different designers that design on different website platforms if someone can’t or won’t switch over to what I recommend and so on. Just like how a photographer would probably have contacts with videographers and event planners. Most people would be willing to help someone out, so I wouldn’t worry too much.

CreWeb Designs helps creative entrepreneurs grow their business through service, online branding, and web design in a professional yet creative way that makes sense to the individual business.

I love to help a wide variety of entrepreneurs. I focus more on photographers and product makers/etsy sellers, but I love working with authors, videographers, hairdressers, florists, and more. I love taking on a wide variety of projects that incorporate personality and color throughout the whole site. I hate a boring white site with a boring layout. I want to make something that is special to you, for you. Each designer will have their own thing, but at the end of the day I just love to help small business owners. 

I remember starting my business and struggling through everything and my goal since has been to help businesses not go through the same thing!

Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography


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