
It is the last day of taking the first steps to branding your business - branding foundations. If you’re joining now or forgot, this week I’ve been talking about the 3 core things to any businesses branding foundation. So, if you’re just joining in, make sure you head back to the Vision and Mission blog posts at some point! If you ever have any additional questions or comments, feel free to reach out.

Values. It’s probably exactly what you’re thinking of! Your business values show your customer the beliefs in which your business behaviors are based on. Unlike the last two days, we will not be creating another amazing statement that we can use everywhere. I will be helping you discover and understand potentially some of your business values!

How do I identify my values? This is a two step process! Step one is identifying what those values are and the second step is expanding on them. Let’s start with step one.

Let me ask you an easier question; what are 3 things your business would never do? Now that you have that list, what are 3 things that are important to you personally? And now that we have those two answers, answering this last question shouldn’t be too difficult; what are 3 things that are extremely important to your business? 

Now that we have our 3 values, we just need to expand on them. I’m going to be using authenticity as an example. What does it mean to be authentic? It means to be yourself, to be genuine, and other things like that. How can we apply this in a business setting though? How and where can you be authentic? Anywhere right? So let’s create an idea of what expanding on that value looks like. I want to be myself across all platforms while embracing my opinions and values when building trusting relationships and partnerships.


Let’s do some examples! Let’s start with my business. 

CreWeb Designs


I will be myself across all platforms while embracing my opinions and values when building trusting relationships and partnerships.


I will provide fresh ideas and solutions to common questions and problems by taking a different approach and putting a new spin on the same operations.


I will create an environment of vulnerability, reliability, and confidence to ensure no question ever feels too small or unimportant, and to ensure every situation is handled with care.


Next is our photography business example.

Strong Tree Photography

Building Relationships

I will connect and invest in knowing who my clients are to create bonds that will last beyond a customer level.


I will be completely open and honest about what is and isn’t obtainable within the business by opening a line of communication as my business continues to grow and develop.


I will value and accept every person and every interaction I find myself in, to build feelings of trust, safety, and well-being within the relationship.


Lastly is our product based business example.

Lily’s Candle Shop


I will take ownership and provide clarity in every situation and session to provide the best outcome to all my clients. 


I will be committed and dedicated to my customers so respect and trust has an easy place to flourish quickly.


I will authentically continue to express myself in a new creative and exciting way, so that my customers can experience joy and happiness.


You don’t have to start off the beginning of each value with “I will”,’ but I did just to help you draft out the explanations for each value. You can start it with your business name or just about any way honestly! Talking about your values and/or having them displayed for your business is so important. Reading about someone's values can help you get to know what business you’ll be working with. I dive more into values and give you the opportunity to cultivate your own values with me in my branding packages. If you’d like to know what else I offer in my branding packages, you can head over to the services page or you can shoot me a message, email, or dm. I’d love to get to know a little about you and your wonderful business! 

I can’t believe we’re already at the end of my branding foundations week. My goal is to help as many businesses as possible, and hopefully I achieved that this week! I’ll see yall next time.

Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography


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