Intro to Color Psychology

Let’s chat about branding…What is branding? I like to think of branding as two different core sections. Brand vision which dives into what sets you apart, how to identify your target audience, your values, mission, and so much more. And then there’s brand styling which dives into your logo, colors, typography, etc. Today I want to go into a subsection of the brand styling, colors. Not confident in your brand's vision? Let’s chat!

Picking your branding colors should be more than “I like this blue and this brown compliments it”. Today I want to dive into the basics of color psychology! What is color psychology? Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. The study shows that color influences perceptions that are not obvious and that colors also have qualities that can cause certain emotions in people.

Why is this important to you and your business? Different colors can impact how people think about your business. We are naturally programmed to stop at red lights, red stop signs, and other things. There are studies that show that people will actually eat less food if it’s on a red plate. Red has impacted us, but obviously we still enjoy going to Target, Chick-fil-a, and other brands/businesses that utilize red. This is why color psychology matters.

Below you’ll see a series of images created by me with keywords for each color. Think about your business's brand as a personality. How would you describe it? What words would you use? How can you use color to reflect that? This blog post is meant to help, so if it helps-wonderful, but if it doesn't then leave it! If anything it’s a bit of interesting knowledge and just something to keep in mind.

There is still so much I could talk about, but hopefully this can help you get started or at the very least provide you with some information you might not have known. In the future I hope to make further blog posts about color psychology and how it can impact your business.

Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography


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