How Are You Making 2022 Different?

We are almost somehow a 1/3 of the way through the year! I don’t know about you, but this year has been flying by for me. I want to ask you what you are doing right now to elevate your business? How are you taking it to the next level? How are you moving forward? What have you been learning? How have you been growing?

I know this year I have been working very hard to get my brand vision 100% clear to my clients and just getting more package based clients. I have a few more projects and things I hope to launch before the year is over. What are you working on? Where is your business currently headed? It could be something as small as getting more reviews or as big as rebranding. 

Speaking of rebranding. When was the last time your business had a refresh? Had another person's eyes on it? If it’s been a little bit of time, I would highly recommend at the very minimum getting a free Brand & Website Audit done to see how everything is currently operating.

Are you using the same social media strategy you were a year or two ago? Chances are that’s outdated now with how many changes every platform has undergone. Have you made any changes or updates since the pandemic? If not, I would highly recommend looking over everything and just giving it a little refresh. I feel like so many people are on a different path now because of the pandemic and I think this is the perfect time to utilize that. 

If you are interested in getting that free Brand & Website Audit, I offer them! I’m a web designer and branding specialist that helps creative entrepreneurs (photographers and e-commerce are my niche). I think that every business is unique and should be treated as such. There can be a million web designers, but only one Jenna and only one CreWeb Designs. I like to bring that same energy to each of my clients. 

I want to make it even easier for you to take your business to the next level. I will be offering a sale from today until the end of the month where all of my packages are 40% off! Each one of my packages comes with a mini course to help develop your brand and get you thinking about your business differently, a brand styling section which gives you a new look to match your new way of thinking, and web design to apply all of the previous information. 

These packages are perfect for businesses that are starting out and also existing ones that might be struggling or need an extra boost. I’m reliable, have 4 years of experience, and I offer payment plans for anything over $300. My main goal is to help. If we chat and I realize we’re not a good fit, then I’d rather you know that so neither of us are wasting time. We’re all small business owners that just need a little help and I really try to do that!

Cover photo shot by: Dorothy Louise Photography


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