The Difference Between Brand Styling & Brand Vision

Branding is such a vital part to any small business and I feel like everyone has a different view or idea on what brand exactly is. Today I wanted to clear up any potential confusion. I also wanted to say before we jump into this that I’m not saying this is the only way branding can be explained or that other professionals are wrong. 

I like to think of branding like a cake. You have the cake itself and then of course the frosting, decorations, and all the extras. I like to think of Brand Vision as your small business cake and Brand Styling is all the extras that make it different from other cakes. Brand Vision is the strategy that goes behind making your brand work and Brand Styling is exterior; logos, colors, typography, etc. 

In my experiences a lot of people think branding is the brand styling side of things, but I think the brand vision section is just as important, if not more. Brand Vision helps you learn how to reach the clients/customers you want, makes social media posting 10 times easier, gives you a clear path to take your business down, and so much more. I recommend Brand Vision to every business I talk to because it honestly makes running yours so much easier.

Before I integrated a solid brand vision into my small business I struggled with posting on social media, getting the clients I wanted, finding time to plan for the future, and so much more. I offer a mini course that's at your own pace now and I have enjoyed helping other small business owners integrate a brand strategy into their own business. 

Having a clear understanding of your business’s morals and values can change and shape what you want your logos to look like and how you want your brand styling to reflect that. I find that over half of clients want to change their brand styling after taking the course to reflect their new approach. I get it because I went through a rebrand when I was going through the same thing! 

Branding doesn’t have to be a complicated thing and I try to continue educating to clear up any potential confusion. If you’re ever still confused or just want to chat about branding, I am always available for questions! I love helping small business owners regardless if we work together or not. I don’t think enough people help to just help anymore, so I pride myself in doing that as often as possible. Running a small business alone is hard enough, let's not gatekeep ways to make it easier.


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