How to Structure Your About Me Page

I feel like one page that doesn’t get talked about enough is the About Me page. What goes here? Do I need one? Is this just a place for me to put my bio and move on? In today’s post I want to tackle all of this and more. 

I think everyone needs an About Me page whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation. People are going to want to know who’s running the show or at least some additional information. When it comes to drafting up your About Me page there’s a few things that I like to think of

  • Who am I talking to?

  • Who am I?

  • What do I have to offer?

These might seem like simple almost thoughtless questions, but I challenge you to take a second and answer them all. I want something more than “I’m talking to the people I sell to and I’m a small business owner that offers [insert what you do here]”.

I think your About Me page is the perfect place to talk to and relate to your ideal client. Your potential client is coming to your About Me page for what reason? To learn more about you and/or your business right? What is separating you from another business that offers the same service? You! 

I love sharing a bit of personality on the About Me page and I think it can be extremely beneficial also. You’re more likely to purchase from someone who relates to you than a complete stranger. Nobody wants to buy from a brick wall. If there were two basically identical shops in front of me that were selling the same exact items and one had a sign out for Mental Health Awareness Month and one didn’t, I would definitely pick the one with the sign out. Why? Because that’s something that’s important and resonates with me and naturally I’m going to want to support them over a competitor because I don’t have that same knowledge.

You want to offer information about yourself while also providing something to your potential client. On my About Me page I have a section titled “Am I the right fit for you?” where I list struggles my ideal client might face. That right there is providing something for them while also giving them a bit of info on me which is above that section.

What if I’m not interesting? What if I don’t have a cool story to tell? That’s fine! We don’t have to be superhuman celebrities living the best unobtainable life. I’ve found that the simplest things can be the best bridges. For example I am a HUGE Taylor Swift fan and anytime I run into a fellow swiftie we have an amazing conversation and just like that the ice has been broken and we can communicate a little easier.

I don’t think there is a special formula or template that should be followed because every business is so different. My goal with these blog posts is to reach a large area of small business owners, not just my niche; which is photographers and ecommerce if you’re curious. Don’t let your About Me page sit empty with a simple bio when you could be landing your favorite clients from it. 


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